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Corporate Social Responsibility

At Commissionaires Northern Alberta Division, our corporate social responsibility commitment is grounded in our social mandate to provide employment opportunities for veterans of the Canadian Forces, the RCMP and others who wish to contribute to the security and well-being of Canadians.

“If we look after our commissionaires, they will look after our clients.”


Our employees are called commissionaires in line with our historical culture of serving those who have served. All are subject to our code of conduct.


We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of business ethics and transparency including corporate governance practices in order to maintain excellence in our daily operations.

We subscribe to the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires’ core values designed to foster dedication, honesty, loyalty and trust.

We support the protection of our human, physical, environmental, social, financial and reputational assets.

We conduct our business in an open, honest and ethical fashion.


We ensure that commissionaires are treated fairly, equitably and with dignity, and that diversity in the workplace is embraced. An open door policy is in place to allow anyone to express their concerns at any level without fear of repercussion.

We follow fair labor practices in line with applicable federal and provincial laws within the communities where we operate.

We are committed to providing equal opportunity in all aspects of employment and will not tolerate unlawful workplace conduct, including discrimination, intimidation or harassment.

We will demonstrate respect for human dignity and rights in every aspect of our business.

Our operational effectiveness is closely related to the health and welfare of our commissionaires and the promotion of these factors is crucial to their work-life balance and overall quality of life.

We insist on providing a safe and healthy working environment and will not compromise on the health and safety of any individual. Our goal is to have no accidents by working with our commissionaires, clients, suppliers and others to promote safety at all times.


We engage suppliers clearly, honestly and respectfully.

Our corporate social responsibility extends to our partners and suppliers. We expect that their sustainable procurement policy objectives, including adherence to labour, human rights and environmental standards will be in line with our own.


We embrace a collaborative, consultative, and partnership approach in our community investment programs. Key amongst these is support to veterans and their associated support groups.

We integrate community considerations into decision making and business practices, and will assist in local capacity building to develop mutually beneficial relationships with communities.


We are committed to contributing to the protection of the environment through responsible and environmentally oriented policies and procedures. These include:

  • Complying with or exceeding all applicable environmental regulations.
  • Promoting responsible waste management practices including waste reduction, recycling and re-use where practical.
  • Reducing and preventing pollution through energy consumption and resource management best practices.
  • Incorporating sustainable building practices where applicable.